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Fly High

Heart filled with dreams
Mind boggling down with questions and uncertainities
Unaware of the gust of wind when I set loose
Will it help me soar high or will rock me down
I just hope I have my strings behind me
To be pulled before I vanish into the uncertainitis,

I wont say I dont fear to be wrong
But I dare to dream
I dare to dream it big
I donot know or understand priorities may be
All I know that I need to fly- fly high
Hope to get the strength beneath my wings

To all the questions and inhibitions in my mind-
Dont threaten me please
I might change in the entire process-
But I will return back to my den
I would remain the same I am
I might take some time- but I will
The woods are dense and thick
I need that potion of hope to move on

The crowd ahead is full of deadly smiles
The mob snatched away all my priceless belongings
Ripped off all that I had-
Here I stand on my own created cliff of a mixed me
Opening my arms- trying the free fall
Either I will start flying else I will fall unable to stand ever
I hope - I have my strings in safe hands
I hope - its not let loose
I hope - I dont let my self down
I hope - I Fly
Fly High
Most importantly- Keep flying


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