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****10 Cognitive stress Relief strategies****

Depression is very real, and what causes depression is stress, so how do we identify stress right from that mild headache to suicide everything revolves around being stressful.

So how does a human react to stress in general, when he/she is stressed- handle it with "FFF" I don't mean the cuss word rather I meant 

what's ur style to deal with it?(I will write about it on demand- let me know if you want to discover your stress combat style).

Blessed are the ones who knows how to combat it.
Mostly the stress that we get today are more cognitive and less physical in nature so here are the ways to deal with it

1. Meditation -  finds its traits from old Hindu or Buddhist beliefs. Scientifically the Prefrontal cortex of the brain becomes highly active and helps in stress reduction.

One myth about meditation is that u have to stop thinking everything while meditating. Instead, initially  while meditating your  brain will stay highly functional. So please don't stop thinking or stop meditating.  You are  unable to concentrate cause you are just on right track.

2. Yoga/Thai chai - it's meditating using your body. Extensively helpful for healthy mind and body.

3. Take a break - right from power nap to sabbatical whatever helps you to escape. It comes under Flight/flee - basically silences the amygdala of the brain.

4. Peter Pan Principle(PPP) - if u have read about Peter Pan, you will know that happy feelings made him light and fly. So travel and sync in your happy moments to make yourself burden free and flee.

5. Hypnotherapy - for this you have to visit someone who is an expert in the field.

6. Guided imagenary - this is self hypnosis.  Here you slowly self talk to yourself to your favourite destination and on all positive note do and guide yourself to do all that you want to do that makes you happy. This is my personal fav as it gives the power to boost your self esteem and believe that you can do it  and remember when you want something so strong from the heart even the universe conspires to help u. ( Well, filmy, but true)

7. News Shut down - I am going to try this, as it is a known fact that presently no news channel delivers a balanced perspective, and all that we see, only pumps more in more negativity or competition.
So no news technique is my new favorite as it helps you to find out the n number of people who are doing zillion of amazing jobs and inspires me to do something good and makes me more positive.

8. Change Perspective - another favorite one - Stress is automatically reduced when we try to see it from a different perspective and try to find the good in the situation.
i. Take problems as opportunity
ii. Think how would you talk about in the next 10years(trust me you will laugh at it).
iii. how would you handle it if you were a famous personality.

9. Solomon's ring - this makes life easier trust me, I hope you know about the story(if not google it, it's worth it)... His ring said 4 imp. Words
"This too shall pass"..... In times of happiness and distress tell yourself these 4 words as it will give u strength courage and wisdom to handle everything. I tell myself "what can't kill me will make me stronger"//"when the going gets tough the tough gets going"- miss Ishita I hope you remember you told me this when I was in class 9.

10. Brain games - simple method of tiring your amygdala.  Rationalizing is not a part of amygdal. Hence,when a person is stressed,  he/she can't think straight or logically. So to come out of it, indulge in brain games (Google to discover brain games and then try it if you don't know any) .

Stress is imp. as it releases adrenaline, and keeps cortisol(the stress hormone) in control but too much of it might burn your engine.

If you like the post, please do share. Stress is a major reason for suicides. So let's help and soothe someone.

Do let me know if you would like to know about the other scientific ways of stress management.

#cognitivestressmanagement #stressmanagement #stressrelief #freefromstress #helppeople #shackleawayfromstress #mentalhealth #stayingsane #beingcognitive


  1. It reiterates the need a d ways to stay sane.. beautifully compiled. The one I liked the most is your own quote Each action on earth has a reason- I am finding mine everyday.
    This is all we need to understand although it's not that simple ��

    1. Hey dear Nimbu...wonderful stress relief points .. indeed very much needed for the younger generation as bcoz the society is completely stressed up even after going for meditation sessions. I hope through ur writings they might find sum other ways of getting relief.. god bless u n all of us Alwz.

  2. Very nice one..

  3. Every point specified is related to every single session you took us through Nibedita. Till date whenever I stress out those small exercise help to overcome the pain.
    Amazing article each strategy is just perfect.. ❤️

    1. Thank u so much, and thanks for being an attentive one in my session

  4. Stress has become a very common factor nowadays in almost every individual and it is very important to get rid of it. Since we cannot avoid or omit stress completely, we need to follow few principles. Really the stress management procedures you've shared is truely wonderful. I will try to follow this for sure. Thank you so much

    1. Share ur stress unburden yourself, thanks for reading and sharing

  5. Nice one ... Refreshing mind n as usual a lot of motivation comes from you , your writing reflects it too 😃 Keep going

    1. Thank u, people like u motivate me to do more with full conviction that we can bring change for good

  6. Really impressive and much needed for humans life. The word let us make our life beautiful ❤️ Word's to remember for life�� Thanks

  7. At some point, we all have been there. But the part where we feel helpless is when we are not able to share it with anyone, the constant fear of being judged, maybe. I guess hiding it all with a smile on our face, trying to act strong even when we are shattered into a thousand pieces, is the toughest. But it is okay to vent it out, it is okay to shed tears. It is the constant belief that we can do it, is what keeps us moving. And time does heal everything ,it is this span of time that varies from person to person, and one fine morning we wake up all rejuvinated ,rising from the ashes like phoenix, so proud that we finally overcame what seemed impossible . So we need to keep hoping that things are gonna be fine, if not today then maybe tomorrow.

    1. Infact crying like a baby is a great help in relieving stress, I shall write more about that and yes when u need help please do approach someone u trust , hug people u love, sing with people these are all stress relievers I shall cover them in my next few articles

  8. There are many more...keep a eye..I shall write more, thanks for your time

  9. Good one.........stress management points are beautifully explained,hope it would help each one... youngsters to old people.... thanks a lot Nibedita. May God bless us .


    1. Amen I love that approach may God bless us

  10. Nicely put. I believe stress very personal very unique for person to person though looks similar. Hence the way to get out of it or overcome it also different for individuals. The ways you praposed are absolutely great and I feel there few more ways to handle them as well like
    1. Doing Root cause analysis and re-evaluating if it's good to continue to work with it or quit to cut the source that fuels the stress.
    2. Talk and share with the one who cares and helps. Sometimes we may need someone to pull us out of stupid believes that won't let us think straight.
    3. What worse can happen? This could create or kill the stress instantly. Optimism is a must.
    4. Faith in God or spiritual approach can help in making individuals believe that there is a higher power that can lead them to peace when the time comes.
    That will keep them calm and deal with stress as if it's just a test.
    5. Comparison is bad but works great if you are able to see how lucky you are and count your blessings to see what you are much better than a lot out there, so you can do a lot better obviously.

    Fight - if it worth it, Flight - if it is temporary and time killer. Freeze - when you are ignorant.

    When something goes wrong..
    Don't go with it...
    Just change your method..
    And let it go...
    Life won't stop just because..
    You froze...

    All the best..
    Keep writing...

    1. Fight /flight /freeze
      Is a different style we have changing style ain't easy I agree everybody has different styles some fight it cognitively some physically some emotionally which is the best one as u too mentioned and there are other ways will write about them.....thanks for sharing so much time and indulging ...really means a lot

  11. Writer was travelling and reading and now writing.... Good read Nibe jhi. Pls continue the journey

  12. Very nicely articulated and crisply collated. Hope to see more of such posts may be on FB as NIVIs Musings!!!

    1. Thanks Partha da, I hope to join more gwm conference gain more knowledge in the coming future and work and write on them in collaboration

  13. Loved the way u explained it. I always take a nap when I am stressed.:D Now a days I forget all my stress when I look at my lil angel's smile and spend some time with her. 👍

  14. Well written! Nice to see your reflections on the important issues of life which people usually shun and forget. Good to see that you still find the time to do things that you love, after your motherly duties. Keep it up. Loads of love.

  15. Great points. And the trick to tackle each one of them equally commendable. Keep posting.

  16. Who knows stress better than u and this coming from u s really comendable!well thought, nicely arranged andserves to the purpose.... Along with this I too have my new theory of PPP VS PP i.e Parents' positive perception vs Peer Pressure it really helps one to come out of stress.

  17. You are an artist in true sense. This is amazing!! Another feather in your cap... Keep going Gon Girl!!


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