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Me - a new discovery

  • She loves reading- only if it serves her taste which she is definately not aware of
  • She loves writing- i am quite sure she looses track of what she wants to write about so u might b lost
  • She loves painting- a non painter , u can definately figure the rest
  • She loves singing - many friends have saved her from being geeting paid as a begger
  • She loves dancing- if only moving hands and legs is called a dance then she is a dancer
  • She loves to be alone at times- she is definatly not happy the sitution she is in being alone s a run away
  • She loves to laugh at anything and everything possible- she is foolish
  • She loves shopping- so she is always a bankrupt no matter if its the beggining or end of the month
  • She loves her solitudeness- people cant handle her madness
  • Sleeping is her first love of life- what else can the world need to be at peace
  • She tries to make fun of the most serious situation- an escaping idea which never worked nor will ever work
  • She falls  unmistakenly everyday- its a daily ritual
  • She is too choosy and fussy about everything- cause no one can adjust with her
  • She is super confused- comes naturally by birth
  • She sounds too confident- God knows why
  • She is authoratative- she has to b boss or else she will be vanished in no days
  • She suffers from inferior complex- poor soul explains  all the above quailities with a better supporting reason
  • She is irritating at times- with all the above qualities no human can be sane on earth
  • She is question bank at unnecessary occasions- poky nose she has
  • She is FAT- ROFL
  • She is always with the wrong foot in the wrong place- evreyone suffers this as a daily activity
  • She loves cooking if u love cooking what she cooks no matter how it tastes or else please starve to death she wont care
  • She loves music - only time she doenot act weirdly
  • She can speak non stop at times only if it makes her think that after her speach she will be able to recover you from ur situation
  • She will care for her foes - thinking everyone has a good side- and gets a wonderful treat which she weeps about later
  • She is always in a jumbled state- has to be if act stupidly always
  • She loves experiments- and then dont ask what happens to her with her own experiments
  • She is a fighter- she gets herself into such situation , or else by default she is in such situations taht either she fights or else she is a dead cow. Basically she is optionless and has to fight for her survival.
  • She wants to create a difference - all the above qaulities according to her is not enough to make herself the different one
  • She is a dreamer- no comments
  • She is creative - only if u r creative enough to understand her creativity
If u r too intellegent and you know me personally , then I am sure you cant disagree on any of these sentences more then I do and u are aware its me. If u r not bored with the bullet headed qualities  that i have and u took all the pain to read  then u may proceed further or else get a better time pass for urself.

With the last 3 points added above that she is a dreamer and she is crerative and at the same time she wants to make a difference, she is absolutely tried her level best to make a differnce with her existence in your life if u know her. She thinks constantly what different can she do- honestly she tries but i guess it has not been good enough till date to make a visible difference. her brain at times a feel is a smalll factory with number of departments in to it and sleeps only when she sleeps else is constantly at work and mostly all the departments together. Many times it stops working cause of being overworked although she is wide awake. U might see her craking sensless jokes or speaking something that u dont even get a hint of what it is- be sure her mind workers has given up that time.Dream big - she does it and has no full stop to where it ends.Too much of creativity at times sometimes gives a spoilt outcome and  her expectations of some praise falls flat. Well she is not hurt- do not worry she is strong enough to take any shit. Till date yes i can tell you she is hurt but then with the minimum amount of time she recovers with freshness. O one more thing never try to take this quality too positively cause once if her anger factory in her mind is at work- and she opens her mouth and if u r the victim then God bless ur poor soul. Remember the proverb every coin has two sides - yes you definately see the other side of her and every good deed u did till date will suddenly sound like the biggest crime of your life to you. So, better be safe casuse as her mind works heavily so such nreakdowns in the circuit takes place quite often. I can boast on her that she is good at heart. Her opening her mouth is dangereous rather then her silence so if she is silent just let her be.

She respects every relation and tries to be the binding gel in each one but she is too blunt at times to be the adhesive. She is not funny at all but somehow u will laugh at her. Her mood swings are too quick, so beaware again. She wants to be someone who is not just a commener, although is just so common. Donot be astonished if she tries to inspire you ever with her rubbish ideas to beacome famous and uncommon - no matter from which state of mind age or whatever you areat that point of time. At times she would talk such stuffs you will think either she has lost it right away or she is the limit of immaturity.Well at times i am sure she will speak with such assurance and confidence , GHOSH u havent met a more mature person then her- u definately should take her advice- no matter if u have ever asked for it or not. Do not be taken aback at times u see her completely decked up or find her in office with a dress which u wouldnot have worn in your house even. Chill everyone has their extremes  in her case its always THE Extremees in thoughts in word in reactions in actions .

Exceptions - if she loves u a lot u might be seen publically being scolded or cornered, not necessarily publically  only. She might even give a pieace of her mind if u fallsick- well i support her with a valid reason cause we feel u invited your sickness. Well again if its a No - then you might get some care else get well with medicines and scoldings only.There are many more trust me.  I will not bore you anymore.

I am sure you would agree that a part of her is abnormal - thats exactly my discovery of myslef which is still in process. If you think u knew all these and you wasted all your time and energy - cant help it boss a statutory warning was provided way ahead. if you enjoyed then u bring a smile on my face as i am a non writer but someone still enjoys  my writings that too about me. I am all  EEEEE :).
I m too normal to b a geek but at times i wish i was a nerdy geeky girly fantasy that everone would wish to possess. All I can say I  am a new discovery to myslef every moment and trust me i enjoy this a lot.


Well when you meet me personnaly donot bombard me with feedbacks on my writing , cause if i havent asked u personnaly to give me a feedback then u r not authorissed to give that - u r just meant to read the article enjoy if  u can or else go and cry for wasting your time- I dont care.Apart from it if u have
questions i dont mind if u have too many and ask me a few of them.Donot be disheartened if u donot get answers cause its either u r too smart to ask a wrong question else I myself donot have one answer to your question.

Hope to write more provided i have time and I come out of my frickle mentality.
If i write u might be the victim of my sms or whatsapp. If you want to escape such torture please either change your number or block mine.  I will always do whatever I wish too and so are u free to do , my free advices are just the roads u might choose to attain ur free will :P.

P.S : do take a break if u r mad at me.


  1. I can sense that making your resume would be one hell of a task.. haha.. kidding.. liked the way you described in the bullet points. :)


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