We all need that extra bit of pampering Sometimes that from Mom with that tight hug from her -as we are a part of her Sometimes from Father that patting- to understand we are his pride Sometimes a huge smile from your siblings - which says I support u just do it Sometimes a good counselling from your bestie- I know u also need a fall back and i am there Sometimes a very understanding gesture from that someone special- which means I can count on him no matter what!!! :) Sometimes a unknown smile from a stranger soothes all that need A boost from a friend covers up all the need of a sibling A power hug from a coleauge makes your day A smile from someone you like makes a lot of difference We all tend to run after the unattainable Something which is not there is aways more beautiful amd object to be missed Sometimes in the craze of that unattainable we loose the charm of the present Many a times we forget to appreciate what we have Most of the times we donot even se...
Discover and rediscover the positivity in life from the broken scenes on life. All I write is about the simple journey in life and how to never loose hope. Reality is tough but why shall you not try my friend! :) Life is not simple life is not beautiful but lets make an small effort to beautify it everyday. Each action on earth has a reason- I am finding mine everyday. You my friend might find yours while talking a stroll in the garden of my poems of life. Hakuna Matata.