Many injuries are gone unseen Many injuries are unhealed What remains is the scar The injury might heal with time' The once which could be seen - At times the seen scars gains sympathy too The unseen ones suffer alone No sound made- no empathy gained No one to heal no one to feel It carries itself all alone All by itself- all by its own. One day it cries all by its own Second day it fights the world with a smile Third day it dries dries and dries But that mark that mark of remembrance- remains Each time you see- you relive the incident of the scar.. I wish the scars the unseen scars could be healed too I wish someone would take some time Some time to see the unseen injuries Sometime to feel and care for the scar The fact is these are unseen injuries- - so no one cares - so no bothers Let it go- you take care of yourself No one is bothered of your soul your unseen injuries What it matters is you are there for them.... they have atleast you.. Whereas ...
Discover and rediscover the positivity in life from the broken scenes on life. All I write is about the simple journey in life and how to never loose hope. Reality is tough but why shall you not try my friend! :) Life is not simple life is not beautiful but lets make an small effort to beautify it everyday. Each action on earth has a reason- I am finding mine everyday. You my friend might find yours while talking a stroll in the garden of my poems of life. Hakuna Matata.